Introducing: the team
Posted by DoubleDutch Games | Filed under Introduction, Article, DoubleDutch Games, SpeedRunner
The last blog we wrote about how DoubleDutch Games came to be, and how we envision our future. This time we want to elaborate on the team that is working on our first project; SpeedRunner.
SpeedRunner is a 2D Platformer-Racing game. The idea is based on Speedruns; getting from the start to the finish of a level as quickly as possible, by finding the most efficient route.
As we mentioned before, our goal with DoubleDutch is to produce high quality games. So when Casper started working on this project, he realised that he would not be able to bring the quality of the game to the level he would like, all by himself. Casper is a great game designer and a decent programmer, but creating high quality art, animation and audio could be problematic.
Luckily, we happen to know a couple of extremely talented people from the good old days at Coded Illusions, and some of them were able to help us out! So, without further ado, we would like to introduce to you the rest of the team.
Audio: Jonathan vd Wijngaarden
Jonathan started out learning his trade from Frank Klepacki (probably most known for his music from the Command & Conquer series).
We met Jonathan when he was lead audio at Coded Illusions, where he was responsible for just about everything that produced sound. After the demise of Coded Illusions, he continued to work his magic at the Playlogic Game Factory, working on Eyepet Move Edition and Fairytale Fights, for which he received a nomination (and in a few days maybe even an award) for Best Audio Design. Currently, Jonathan is working on several exciting projects, including the sequel to Adam's Venture (a game for which Casper and Gert-Jan also did a lot of work), and a Need for Speed web game. Also, Jonathan is working on the music and sound effects for SpeedRunner. Be sure to check out more of his awesome work at!
Art: Gerrit Willemse
Gerrit started out as concept artist at Lost Boys Games (later Guerilla Games, responsible for the Killzone series). After the project he was working on was cancelled, he found his way to the Playlogic Game Factory where he worked on several titles as the lead concept artist. This is where he met Jonathan, who in turn recommended him to us for SpeedRunner. After working with him for a while, we couldn’t agree more; his art is awesome! Currently, Gerrit is working full time at Nimbuzz, but in his spare hours he regularly finds the time to do all the art for SpeedRunner. Check out his portfolio at!
Animation: Frank Post
Where Frank came from is a mystery; some say he was raised by wolves and some say he wasn’t even raised at all. Although he started working in the games industry at Guerilla Games, our first encounter with him was at Coded Illusion where he was animating rats (amongst other things). Now, he’s busy running his own company FrameState, which does anything that is related to 3D. For SpeedRunner, he works on character modeling and animation and some other secret things that we can’t talk about right now... Check out his company’s website at
All in all, we are really happy that these three guys were willing to help us out on this project, as they together bring over 20 years of experience to the table, which really shows in the quality of their work!
So, now that all the introductions are finished, we’ll start revealing more details on SpeedRunner step by step, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, if you haven’t done so already: make sure to follow us on twitter, like our facebook page and add this blog's RSS feed to your reader!
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